A. 价格部门
B. 交通主管部门
C. 税务部门
D. 财政部门
A. 冻结墙、锚杆
B. 排桩、压顶梁、钢筋混凝土支撑
C. 钢筋混凝土桩和内支撑
D. 水泥旋喷桩和压顶梁
You have discovered that one of three control files has been lost. What steps would you follow to recover that control file?() a. Shut down the database. b. Restore a control-file copy from backup media. c. Use the create control file command to create a new control file. d. Copy the backup control file into place. e. Create a new copy of the control file from one of the surviving control files. f. Recover the database using the recover database using backup control file command. g. Start up the database.
A. a, b, f, g
B. c, f, g
C. a, d, f, g
D. a, f, g
E. a, e, g
A. 防止用电仪表或电气设备外壳带电
B. 保护人身安全
C. 保护仪表设备
D. 提供电位参考点,抑制干扰