According to the advertisement, what can be found on the Acme Web site?
A. Procedures on obtaining a loan.
B. Directions to the company"s office.
C. Staff members" contact information.
D. Information about learning opportunities.
把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当一项是()。 ①在希望的田野上,有多少人在急待放喉歌唱 ②黄沙抹杀了正在渲染的新绿柳色。挡住了春天的主旋律视线 ③只是隆冬的天气并非今天这样糟糕,这样令人沮丧,令人坐立不安,令人长叹短嘘 ④极目远眺,何处是风景?信意眺望,看不到昨天还焕然一新的江山美景 ⑤人们差不多与隆冬紧锁家中,足不出户的心情毫无二致 ⑥远山近景,曾经是多么的壮美与锦秀.给人新春的希望
A. ④⑥③②⑤①
B. ④⑥①②⑤③
C. ⑥④③①⑤②
D. ⑥①⑤③②④
A. 社会制度
B. 人才
C. 科技发展
D. 综合国力
A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 200
No light ____ in the house for the past two evenings, one of the neighbors broke in and found the old lady in her chair.
A. being visible
B. to be visible
C. has been visible
D. having been visible