A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
Cloze1:Read the following passage carefully until you have got its main idea, and then select one appropriate word for each gap from the underlined words.instruction;dressed;image;surprise;excitement;scene;shaking;last;pulled;blowing;dressed;anticipate;extraordinary;turn;sequenceAbout twenty of us schoolchildren had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio (电影摄影棚) to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our "act" would only_______(1) for three minutes, we were given the opportunity to see quite a number of interesting things.Soon after we arrived, bright lights were turned on. Since it was very hot in the studio, it came as a _________(2) to us to see one of the actors put on a heavy overcoat. He _______(3) a hat down over his eyes, put his hands in his pockets, and started walking along a winding path. A big fan began to_______(4) small white feathers down on him, and soon the bare trees were covered in "snow". Two more fans were turned on, and a "strong wind" whistled through the trees. The first actor was dragging through the snow when the second,_______(5) as a beggar, began walking towards him trembling with cold.The next _______(6) was a complete contrast (对照). The way it was filmed was quite_______(7). Pictures taken on an island in the Indian Ocean were shown on a glass screen. An actor and an actress stood in front of the _______(8) so that they looked as if they were at the water's edge on an island.Since it was our _______(9) next, we were left wondering what scene would be prepared for us. For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the _______(10) of being film "stars"!
Cloze2message;interrupted;how;needed;savings;urged;embarrassment;envelope;signed;operate;message;communicated;anxiety;phone;touchWhenhegotthecallthathissonwasillinCaliforniaandnotexpectedtoliveforlong,Billdidn'tknow________(1)hewasgoingtogetthemoneyforhiswifeandhimselftomakethetrip.Billhadworkedasatruckdriverhisentirelife,buthenevermanagedtohaveany_______(2).Sowith_______(3)Billwalkedthemiletothefillingstationandtoldtheowner,"MysonisreallysickandI'vegotnocash.CanyoutrustmeforthephonecalltoCalifornia?""Pickupthe_______(4)andtalkaslongasyouneedto,"wastheanswer.Ashestartedtodial,hewas_______(5)byastranger,jumpingdownfromthecabofatruckandasking,"Aren'tyouBillBeasley?Yoursonwasoneofmybestfriendswhenweweregrowinguptogether.WhenIwentofftocollege,Ilost_______(6) withhim.Heardyousayhe'ssick?"AfterthecallBillwastoldthatthattruckdriverhadpaidforitandlefthiman_______(7).Heopeneditandpulledouttwopiecesofpaper.Oneread,"Youwerethefirsttruckdrivermydadtrustedenoughtoletmegoalongwith."Thesecondonewasa_______(8)checkwithanattached_______(9):"Fillouttheamount_______(10)foryouandyourwifetomakethetrip.MerryChristmas!