
At the market equilibrium, resources are allocated efficiently because:

A. the marginal cost of producing another unit is equal to zero.
B. the price buyers pay accurately reflects the marginal cost of the resources used to produce the good
C. the price buyers pay is greater than sellers' willingness to sell.
D. all of the above.


The consumer surplus of electric toothbrushes can be decreased by:

A. a shift in the supply curve for electric toothbrushes due to a cheaper production process.
B. a fall in the price of electric toothbrushes.
C. government imposed price ceilings on electric toothbrushes
D. a rise in the price of electric toothbrushes.


输出“魔方阵”。所谓魔方阵是指这样的方阵,它的每一行、每一列和对角线之和均相等。例如, 三阶魔方阵为8 1 63 5 74 9 2要求输出1~n²(其中1

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