The Transrapid accomplishes the function of support, guidance, acceleration and braking by using non-contact electromagnetic instead of mechanical force.以下哪种译文为更合适?( )
A. 悬磁浮列车不与铁轨接触,因而靠电磁力,而不是靠机械力来实施支承、导向、加速和刹车功能。
B. 悬磁浮列车主要依靠无接触的电磁力,而非机械力来实现支承、导向、加速和制动功能。
以下关于“悬浮系统由车载系统馈电,因而与驱动系统无关”的译文哪个更准确?( )
A. The levitation system is fed by the on-board system, so it has nothing to do with the drive system
B. The levitation system is supplied from on-board batteries and thus independent of the propulsion system.
Maglev is a system in which the vehicle runs levitated from the guideway by using electromagnetic forces between superconducting magnets on board the vehicle and coils on the ground. 以下哪种译文为更合适?( )
A. 磁悬浮是一种利用车辆上的超导磁铁和地面线圈之间的电磁力使车辆悬浮在轨道上行驶的系统。
B. 磁悬浮列车是一个系统,在该系统中,车辆利用车载超导磁铁和地面线圈之间产生的电磁吸力或斥力从导轨上浮升起来。
A. resistance-abrasion
B. resist resistance
C. Abrasion-resistance