
The main problem about night work is that _________.

A. people do not want the inconvenience of working on night shifts
B. people are disturbed by changing from day to night routines and back
C. not all industries work at the same hours
D. it is difficult to find a corps of good night workers


The best answer to the problem seems to be __________.

A. not to change shifts from one week to the next
B. to have longer periods on each shift
C. to employ people who will always work at night
D. to find ways of selecting people who adapt quickly

Scientists are able to measure adaptation by taking body temperature because ________.

A. body temperature is a good basis for selection
B. people have low temperatures at night
C. the temperature reverses when the routine is changed
D. people have high temperatures when they are working efficiently

马克思主义认为人类道德起源的第一个历史前提是( )。

A. 劳动
B. 社会分工
C. 自我意识的觉醒
D. 私有制的出现

在社会主义初级阶段,第一次全面论述了以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观的领导人是( )。

A. 胡锦涛
B. 江泽民
C. 邓小平
D. 毛泽东
