In China, people often save the environments in the following ways:
Back in the 1950s, forest coverage in China was 1) __________ %.In 2019, that figure rose to 2) __________ %, which is equivalent to 3) __________ million hectares forests, around 4) __________ times the size of France, 5) __________ times that of the UK.
1) __________ waters and 2) __________ mountains are invaluable 3) __________.青山绿水就是金山银山。
【单选题】下列各项中,属于计提固定资产折旧时不需要考虑的因素是( ).
A. 实际支付的买价
B. 实际净残值
C. 预计使用年限
D. 预计工作量法。
A. 年限平均法
B. 工作总量法
C. 双倍余额递减法
D. 年数总和法