Dear Sir or [1]________ ,I saw your [2] ________ in today’s newspaper and I am writing to [3]______for the [4]_______of trainee fashion designer. I have been [5] ________fashion [6]_______I was a young boy. My mother is manager of a medium-sized clothes [7] _________ in our town and has taught me a lot [8] __________fashion.As you can see from the enclosed [9]________, I have a good school leaving [10] ________. I also have IT skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and a good [11] _________ of English, both spoken and written. I achieved very good [12] _________ in art and design.I spent my last two summer [13] _______working in a local boutique, [14]______I enjoyed very much.I would appreciate the chance to come for an [15] ________ and am [16] __________at any time.I [17] _______your reply.Yours [18] _________,Peter Parker
(2019年广东省高职高考第2题)下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )
A. 赝品 与时俱进 滥芋充数 茕茕孑立
B. 辐射 班门弄斧 书声琅琅 罄竹难书
C. 决窍 莺歌燕舞 水乳交融 因噎废食
D. 夜宵 轻歌曼舞 涸泽而渔 沤心沥血