
According to Janet, what would most affect negotiations?

A. English language proficiency.
B. Different cultural practices.
C. Different negotiation tasks.
D. The international Americanized style


What does it mean to be on the library check list?

A. He still has to go to the library.
B. He can' t register until he solves the problem at the library.
C. He' ll have to register in the library.
D. He has to finish his work at the library before he can register.

Which of the following is the characteristic of Japanese negotiators?

A. Polite.
C. Straight.
D. Self-explanatory.

What can' t the man do?

A. Go to the library.
B. Get a check-list-release card.
C. Go through registration.
D. Pay the money.

Why did the advisor want to see the student?

A. He wanted to quit a11 his classes.
B. He failed in his compulsory classes.
C. He made a complaint about his classes.
D. He failed to attend many of his classes.
