A. 细陶 陶器
B. 粗陶 陶器
C. 软陶 陶器
D. 红瓷 瓷器
A. 相同 相同
B. 相同 相反
C. 相反 相同
D. 相反 相反
A. 珐琅彩 金属
B. 五彩 陶瓷
C. 铜胎掐丝珐琅 金属
D. 珐琅彩 陶瓷
OK, so it’s the generation born after 1980 to either late baby boomers (婴儿潮一代) or early Gen Xers (X一代). Last year, Pew Research reported that Millennials __1________ than the generations before them, but they're _2______having it in the future. Politically, they say they’re _____3______than their predecessors (前辈) and they’re less likely to_____4________ patriotic (爱国的) than Generation Xers or baby boomers. Millennials are the most racially (在种族方面) _____5______generation in U.S. history. Their shared expertise (专业知识) with ______6______ is something that separates them in the U.S. _____7_________.