
Parathormone is synthesized by the _____.

A. thyroid gland
B. adrenal gland
C. parathyroid gland
D. thymus gland


The loss of calcium from bones might lead to _____.

A. osteoporosis
B. paget's disease
C. anemia
D. calcemia

A decrased ability to produce the organic portion of bone matrix may cause the elders' bone susceptible to _____.

A. fracture
B. osteoma
C. arthritis
D. neoplasm

_____ can actually prevent one from reaching an average adult height.

A. premature puberty
B. excessive deposition of calcium
C. too much growth hormone
D. too many protein-digesting enzymes

What are the functions of the skeletal system?

A. protection
B. support
C. mineral storage
D. blood cell production
