A. 胆汁排泄受阻,结合胆红素逆流人血,直接胆红素升高
B. 重氮反应试验直接阳性
C. 血清间接胆红素无明显改变
D. 尿胆红素检查阴性
E. 尿胆素原降低
What’s wrong with Judy's teeth?
A. One of her lower back teeth was killing her.
B. One of her upper back teeth was killing her.
C. One of her lowerfront teeth was killing her.
D. One of her upperfront teeth was killing her.
Can Judy's teeth be filled?
A. No, it's too late.
B. No, the hole is too big.
C. Yes, it is easy to fill.
D. Yes, but is is expensive to fill.
What will the dentist treat the teeth?
A. Pull it out.
B. Give Judy a needle to numb the teeth.
C. Prescribe some medicine for her.
D. Fill the hole in the teeth.