
说到中国的古代乐器,最为庄严神圣气势宏伟的非编钟莫属。Chime bells, biān zhōng, are the most ____ and holy ____ in China.


编钟出现于3500年前的中国,它经常在祭祀等重大庆典时演奏,是贵族权势的象征。As ____, they were use for ____ or other crucial ceremonies, starting 3500 years ago.

编钟是由大小不同的铜钟组成,用木锤敲击能发出与钢琴上七个音阶几乎相等的乐音。Biān zhōng ____bells with different ____. The bells are played by mallets and create the sounds of seven musical scales, ____ the piano.

更为惊奇的是,敲击编钟不同的部位能发出两个音阶。What’s more ___ is that one bell can ____ when struck at different ____.

这套编钟是在中国古代,一个国君的墓葬中发现的,尘封了几千年的瑰宝得以与世人相见。This set of biān zhōng was ____ in the ____ of an ancient monarch. The ancient treasure finally saw the light of day.
