
The _____colon passes horizontally to the left. The _____colon, is at the distal end of the ______ colon and leads into the rectum. The ______ colon, extending from the cecum to the upper abdominal area.

A. descending, transverse, sigmoid, ascending
B. transverse, sigmoid, descending, ascending
C. ascending, descending, transverse, sigmoid
D. ascending, transverse, sigmoid, descending


To increase the organ’s surface area for this purpose, the mucosa is formed into millions of tiny, fingerlike projections, called_____, which give the inner surface a velvety appearance.

A. cilia
B. rugae
C. villi
D. submucosa

Bile contains ______,_____and ______ . It has a detergent-like effect on fats.

A. cholesterol ester, bile pigments, bile acids
B. cystic duct, bile pigments, cholesterol
C. bilirubin, bile pigments, bile acids
D. bile pigments, cholesterol, bile acids

The mouth receives food, a process called__________.It breaks food into small portions. This is done mainly by the teeth in the process of chewing or__________, but the tongue, cheeks, and lips are also used. It moves proper amounts of food toward the throat to be swallowed, a process called __________.

The mouth mixes the food with __________, which is produced by the __________glands and secreted into the mouth. __________ lubricates the food and has a digestive enzyme called __________ amylase, which begins starch digestion.
