C5.7 圆直径一般注在投影为非圆的视图上,圆弧半径则应注在投影为圆弧的视图上。
C5.8 组合体的组合形式分为相交和相贯两种。
A. 对
B. 错
C5.9 标注定位尺寸时,首先选择基准,通常选择组合体的底面、端面或对称平面以及回转轴线等作为尺寸基准。
A. 对
B. 错
C5.10 根据组合体画法的规定,当两形体的表面相切时,在相切处画线。
A. 对
B. 错
Viewing and speakingWatch the video, then fill in the blanks on the next slides and discuss the following questions in your groups.Questions for discussion:1. Which advice is the most useful for you? Why?2. If you were asked to give college students advice, what advice would you give?