Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. Change the form where necessary.improve, oversee , at that point , boundary , generate,aside from, patronize, solitude, involve, resist, scale, on balance , digest , insurance, combine1. Her latest film has ___________ a lot of interest.2. The _____________in sales figures had a beneficial effect on the company as a whole.3. I hardly watch any television, ____________ news and current affairs.4. I prefer teaching methods that actively ____________ students in learning.5. None of us has much money so let's ____________ what we've got.6. The soldiers _________the enemy attacks for two days.7. Her department is responsible for ____________ the councils.8. I would say that,_____________, it hasn't been a bad year.9. After months of __________at sea it felt strange to be in company.10. The Ural mountains mark the___________ between Europe and Asia.11. I find that I don't___________ meat easily.12. How would you rate his work on a__________ of 1 to 5?
1. 我们眼下可以将就着用4台计算机,但新职员到来时就需要再添置几台了。(get by)We can____________ with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.2. 该公司一直想聘用霍尔登,但至今为止他拒绝了他们提供的所有条件。(pursue)The company _______________ Holton for some time, but so far he has rejected all their offers.3. 政府因未能创造工作机会而遭到抨击。(blast)The administration_______________ for failing to create jobs.4. 这种产品根本就没有广告商们吹嘘的那样好。(extravagant)The product does not live up to the _________ claims of the advertisers.5. 作为一名年轻的女演员,她抵制住了前往好莱坞的诱惑。(temptation)As a young actress, she ____________________________ to move to Hollywood.6. 他进入这个行业已有五年,但还没有开始盈利。(profit)He’s been in business five years, but has not yet turned ___________.7. 总的说来,我觉得今年还不错。(balance)I would say that, ___________, it hasn't been a bad year.8. 她成功地做到了家庭事业两不误。(combine)She manages to successfully __________ family life ___________ a career.
Write the correct words according to the paraphrase.1. happiness and satisfaction, often because you have everything you need