


A. streptomycinB. astromicinC. gentamicinD. tobramycinE. kanamycin1. 治疗鼠疫的首选药是:( )2. 氨基糖苷类抗生素中抗菌谱最广的是:( )3. 对铜绿假单胞菌作用最强的是:( )4. 治疗革兰阴性杆菌感染如败血症的首选药是:( )

A. 链霉素B. 新霉素C. 大观霉素D. 阿米卡星E. 卡那霉素1. 临床上第一个用于治疗结核病的药物是:( )2. 因其毒性大,禁止注射给药的是:( )3. 临床仅用于无并发症的淋病治疗的是:( )4. 属半合成品对结核杆菌有治疗作用的药物是:( )5. 易致呼吸麻痹的是:( )

Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form where necessary.1. Weto refund your money if you are not delighted with your online purchase.2. Stephen is going to be pretty upset when he finds out how youhim.3. Critical thinking represents theof education, experience, and research.4. This is ashopping center offering visitors entry to a clutch of well-known retailers without going to their different websites.5. Very few people have the money to take advantage of thisparadise.6. Therights and interests of women have been effectively protected.


A. 加强文化修养
B. 加强心理素质培养
C. 加强职业道德修养
D. 在实践中锻炼
