A. 秦始皇在宴会上招待群臣吃石榴
B. 汉将军李广和部下约定以烟火爆炸为进攻号令
C. 三国曹植痛饮葡萄酒一醉方休
D. 唐太宗李世民背诵三字经教导百姓
A. 千克力
B. 牛顿
C. 吨力
D. 公斤力
A. 正确
B. 错误
You are creating a servlet that generates stock market graphs. You want to provide the web browser withprecise information about the amount of data being sent in the response stream. Which twoHttpServletResponse methods will you use to provide this information?()
A. response.setLength(numberOfBytes);
B. response.setContentLength(numberOfBytes);
C. response.setHeader("Length", numberOfBytes);
D. response.setIntHeader("Length", numberOfBytes);
E. response.setHeader("Content-Length", numberOfBytes);
F. response.setIntHeader("Content-Length", numberOfBytes);