
My grandmother had a reverence for the sun, a holy regard that now is all but gone out of mankind.

A. respect
B. ponder
C. depression
D. honor


In order to consummate the ancient sacrifice — to impale the head of a buffalo bull upon the medicine tree — a delegation of old men journeyed into Texas…

A. commemorate
B. complete
C. raise
D. gather

Complete the sentence by fillling the blank with the most apppropriate words or phrases from L11地震发生的时候,学校的孩子们惊慌失措。School kids ________ the moment the earthquake stroke this area.

站在甲板上,我不由感叹,大海的浩瀚真是无与伦比。Standing on the deck, I could not but be amazed that the ocean was immense _________.

It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.

A. brutish
B. malicious
C. benign
D. obedient
