A. 正确
B. 错误
A retail customer installs a BladeCenter into an existing 10/100 Ethernet network. Due to cost considerations, the customer uses Copper Pass-thru Modules. After installing this solution, the customer finds that they have no network connectivity. Which is causing the problem of the following?()
A. Copper Pass-thru Modules only support 1000Mb line speeds.
B. Spanning Tree has been enabled on the Copper Pass-thru Module.
C. The customer does not have the latest firmware loaded on the Copper Pass-thru Module.
D. The customer is using LS21 Blade
甲公司2017年10月份发生如下业务: (1)销售自产产品1000件,每件售价为100元,成本为80元; (2)销售材料一批,售价20000元,成本15000元; (3)发生销售折让1000元; (4)结转已售自产产品负担的存货跌价准备10000元。 假定不考虑其他因素,甲公司10月份的“主营业务成本”为()元。
A. 85000
B. 84000
C. 80000
D. 70000