In the 1920s, Black Literature developed into an upsurge which has come to be known as ____ ___ .
A. the Manhattan Renaissance
B. the Harlem Renaissance
C. the Black Revival
D. the African-American Rebirth
Of all the symbols, ____ ___ , which are considered to represent fertility and new life: are those most frequently associated with Easter.
A. the pumpkin and the turkey
B. the lamb and the beef
C. the spring peas and the potatoes
D. the egg and the rabbi
A. 房室传导阻滞
B. 室性心律失常, 如室早
C. 房颤
D. 完全性左束支传导阻滞
E. 房早
A. 饮食少量多餐
B. 尽量避免搬动
C. 第一周内限制探望
D. 静脉输液速度宜慢
E. 如有便秘立即灌肠
A. 立即通知医师
B. 氧气吸入
C. 安置病人静心休息
D. 更换汗湿衣服
E. 描记心电图