完整的公文的标题包括( )、( )、( )三个要素。
A. ×政办发〔2019〕5 号
B. ×厅发(2019 )05号
C. ×政办发[2019年]5号
D. ×政发〔2019〕第5号
下列成文日期正确的是( )
A. 20019年 6 月 1 日
B. 二○一八年 10 月三日
C. 2019年06月05日
D. 贰零零肆年伍月拾玖日
A. 请示
B. 通报
C. 函
D. 报告
Buy a Computer SystemIT Manager: I need to purchase a new computer system for my company.Salesperson: All right, what kind of system are you looking for?IT Manager: I’m not sure. What are my options?Salesperson: We offer a range of high quality (1) systems. What performance aspects do you require?IT Manager: Well, I’d like a quick(2) time. But of course, (3) is really important as well.Salesperson: Okay. We have two systems that excel in both those areas, the 2260 model and the 2950 model.IT Manager: Which of the (4) would you recommend?Salesperson: That depends on whether you’re more concerned about response time or transmission.IT Manager: I’m definitely more concerned with the system’s (5) transmission capabilities.Salesperson: In that case, I recommend the 2950 model. It runs at more bits per second.IT Manager: That sounds great