
在绩效指标建立的过程中,研究者通过面对面的谈话,通口头的方式直接获取有关信息的研究方法是( )

A. 问卷法
B. 访谈法
C. 工作分析法
D. 专题访谈法


Japan is a country of __1__: Modern yet traditional.Japan is viewed as a __2__ global influence, even despite the economic rise of China and India.Kenzo Abe launched his __3__ policy based on three key aspects: __4__ easing, __5__ stimulus and structural __6__.All three together have made a positive impact on __7__.Japanese business people often use coded speech, wherewhat one publicly saysand how they appear (__8__)does not necessarily align withwhat one is thinking or what one means (__9__).__10__is often closely intertwinedwith __11__and __12__,and taking the time to understand all three is a mustif you wish to do business successfullyand keep doing business in Japan.__13__, so the agreement of the majority,and __14__are key elements ofJapanese business hierarchies and meetings.The concept of "wa" or __15__ lies at the heart of business meetings

已知字符串:"this is a test of java"按要求执行以下操作:(1) 统计该字符串中字母s出现的次数(2) 取出子字符串"test"(3) 将本字符串复制到一个字符数组Char[] str中.(4) 将字符串中每个单词的第一个字母变成大写, 输出到控制台。(5) 将该字符串的倒叙输出。(6) 将本字符串转换成一个字符串数组,要求每个数组元素都是一个有意义的英文单词,并输出到控制台

根据《农户贷款管理办法》,农行贷款用途主要包括( )。

A. 投资理财
B. 生产经营
C. 生活消费
D. 个体经营


A. 贷款优先
B. 利率优惠
C. 额度放宽
D. 手续简化
