
What does the word "industrious" mean in "It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes"? (Line 1, para.2)

A. companies
B. hard-working


What structure is applied in Para.2?

A. general-specifical--general
B. general-specific
C. specifical--general


A. br>
B. 关于热量㶲,论述错误的是( )。
C. 热量㶲与环境温度有关;
D. 热量㶲与热源温度有关;
E. 从环境吸收的热量,没有作功能力;
F. 热量㶲就是热量中能作功的部分。

工质从温度为300℃的高温热源可逆吸热100kJ,环境温度20℃。工质获得㶲( )。

A. 48.9 kJ;
B. 51.2 kJ;
C. 93.3kJ;
D. 100 kJ。

When you write a letter or note, it is important to use the correct layout; if you don’t, you create a bad impression on others. Put the following components (A-F) in the correct places in the letter below.
