An example of an explicit cost of production would be the ( )
A. cost of forgone labor earnings for an entrepreneur.
B. lost opportunity to invest in capital markets when the money is invested in one's business.
C. lease payments for the land on which a firm’s factory stands.
D. Both a and c are correct.
A monopoly ( )
A. can set the price it charges for its output and earn unlimited profits.
B. takes the market price as given and earns small but positive profits.
C. can set the price it charges for its output but faces a downward-sloping demand curve so it cannot earn unlimited profits.
D. can set the price it charges for its output but faces a horizontal demand curve so it can earn unlimited profits.
在[Co(en)(C2O4)2]-中,Co3+的配位数是( )
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 8
已知H2O和Cl-作配体时,Ni2+的八面体配合物水溶液难导电,则该配合物的化学式为( )
A. [NiCl2(H2O)4]
B. [Ni(H2O)6]Cl2
C. [NiCl(H2O)5]Cl
D. K[NiCl3(H2O)3]
E. H4[NiCl6]
配合物[Co(NH3)5Cl](NO3)2的中心原子的氧化值为( )
A. +1
B. +2
C. +3
D. +4
E. +5