
稀疏矩阵的一般的压缩方法有( )。

A. 二维数组
B. 广义表
C. 三元组表
D. 一维数组


设矩阵A是一个对称矩阵,a11是首元素,为了节省空间,将其下三角部分按行优先存放在一维数组B中,对下三角矩阵中任一元素aij(i≥j),在一维数组B中下标K的值是( )。

A. i(i-1)/2+j-1
B. i(i-1)/2+j
C. i(i+1)/2+j-1
D. i(i+1)/2+j

对稀疏矩阵进行压缩存储是为了( )。

A. 便于进行矩阵运算
B. 便于输入和输出
C. 节约存储空间
D. 降低运算的时间复杂度

C. DraftingFirst draft(初稿):Use the information in your outline above to write thefirst draft.【Remember to use the expressions learned to state problems and propose solutions.】

E. Final draft(终稿):Choosean environmental issueand propose how people can help improve the situation.Givethree solutions.Instructions:1. use the simple present;2. have a clear topic sentence;3. have three solutions to the given problem;4. include one detail for each supporting idea;4. write 55-100 words.Your paragraph will bescoredbased on:content (topic sentence and supporting ideas);grammar (problem/solution expressions);completed sentence (SVO);vocabulary (words in Unit 4);spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
