Which of the following statements does not indicate the importance of windows as described
A. Windows can change from clear to dark to save energy.
B. Windows help to save energy by letting light in.
C. Windows help to save energy by providing heat.
D. Windows enable people to have contact with the outside world.
①英国首相劳合.乔治 ②美国总统威尔逊 ③意大利首相奥兰多 ④法国总理克里孟梭
A. ①②③
B. ①③④
C. ①②④
D. ②③④
某放大电路在负载开路时的输出电压为6 V,当接人2 kΩ负载后,其输出电压降为4 V,这表明该放大电路的输出电阻为_________。
A. 10 kΩ
B. 2 kΩ
C. 1 kΩ
D. 0.5 kΩ
A. like
B. about
C. as
D. on
The most useful information Michael Mann could directly see from the drill cores should be
A. how Hurricane Katrina had disturbed the sediments.
B. how often hurricanes occurred over the past 1500 years.
C. how many times hurricanes had occurred in the last 1500 years.
D. how water temperatures had changed in the last 1500 years.