
Travelers can now demand hotels to match their own prices because

A. travelers only have limited budget.
B. hotels are trying hard to keep good business.
C. hotels are trying to depress their prices.
D. travelers demand for extra services.


Jeffrey Sachs described the situation in Malawi in order to

A. give examples of the poor condition in Malawi.
B. criticize the $1 price of the drugs.
C. appeal to the audiences' symphathy.
D. show his sympathy to Malawian people.


A. 正确
B. 错误

听力原文:W: Are men's suits on the fifth floor?
M: No. They are here on the fourth. The fifth is electric appliances.
W: Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a department store.
B. In a fashion show.
C. At an office.
D. On the fifth floor.


A. 要建立起与社会主义市场经济体制相适应,与国家公务员制度相衔接,与《人民警察法》相配套,体现不同于一般行政机关,具有人民警察特点的队伍管理机制,实现依法治警
B. 要制定健全公安业务工作的各项制度和队伍管理制度,完善实体性和程序性规定,堵塞消极腐败现象滋生蔓延的土壤和条件,实现从严治警
C. 坚持两手抓,抓好反腐败斗争,建立健全内部、外部监督机制,严肃查处违法乱纪案件,保证公安队伍的纯洁性和战斗力
D. 在现阶段,公安队伍建设寄希望于高薪养廉
