(), 有些地方俗称“ 赤狗日”, 这一天不出门, 不宴客。
A. 正月
B. 大年初二
C. 正月初三
D. 大年初四
大年()有“接神” 的习俗。家家户户准备牲礼、四果、生仁、炸枣等迎接, 烧金纸、神马。
A. 正月初三
B. 大年初四
C. 正月初五
D. 正月初七
()也叫“破五”, 民间传说正月初五是财神的生日。初五要吃饺子、放鞭炮、赶庙会, 全家庆贺。
A. 正月初三
B. 大年初四
C. 正月初五
D. 正月初七
Property owners doubled their chances of finding a potential renter, and Airbnb had a ready supply of homes with which it could attract customers.
A. with the potential renter
B. with the ready supply of homes
C. with the property owners
D. with the customers
The gambit worked, making the site much more attractive than the competitors...
A. and it made
B. so it makes
C. but it made
D. thus it makes