

A. 毛泽东
B. 周恩来
C. 贺龙
D. 朱德
E. 刘伯承
F. 叶挺



A. y=x(ex+c)
B. x=y(ey+c)
C. y=x(c-ex)
D. x=y(c-ey)

In putting into words how much we 1._________ someone, sometimes it is easier to do so in 2._________ than face-to-face. One cannot help but 3._________the lover who, 4._________the object of his affection face-to-face, becomes 5._________and lost for words. Here distance may help. For 6._________ not only makes the heart grow fonder, it also provides the perfect excuse for a(n) 7._________of love letters in which the tongue-tied lover can give a more 8._________display of his innermost thoughts. Unable to 9._________speak freely about his feelings, with pen and paper 10._________he may nonetheless easily 11.________pages________ fine words. Watered by these, love will hopefully 12._________.


A. 爱祖国的大好河山
B. 爱自己的骨肉同胞
C. 爱祖国的灿烂文化
D. 爱自己的国家


A. 热爱祖国,矢志不渝
B. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责
C. 维护统一,反对分裂
D. 同仇敌忾,抗御外侮
