______ refers to the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language, or simply, the study of the formation of sentence.
A. Morphology
B. Syntax
C. Phonetics
D. Semantics
Look at the following examples:i) the man went to the theater ii)*man to the theater went theIt shows the importance of__________ in producing the acceptable utterance in a language.
A. word order
B. substitutability
C. co-occurrence
D. constituents
In the sentence “The boy is smiling”, the word “boy” can be replaced by girl, studentgrammatically.The relation between one element present and the others absent is called ____ .
A. syntactic relations
B. paradigmatic relations
C. linear relations
D. government
时间转换的Y-Δ降压起动控制使用( )元件在电动机达到稳定转速时切断Y形连接电路,转为Δ形连接。
延边三角形起动降压起动的起动转矩比Y-Δ降压起动更( ),绕组结构比一般电动机绕组更( )