Cultural patterns are not so much ( ) taught as ( ) experienced as a by-product of day-to-day activities.
Cultural patterns are programmed at a very early age and are ( ) continuously.
Despite the importance of cultural patterns, we should bear in mind that the value of a culture may not be the value of all ( ) within the culture.
A. 要大于各种破坏因素确定的最小埋深
B. 选择压缩性小、强度高的土层作持力层
C. 不宜大于相邻原有建筑物的埋深
D. 冰冻层以上
影响拟建房屋基础的埋置深度的因素有( )。
A. 建筑物的使用要求、基础的形式及荷载
B. 工程地质和水文地质条件
C. 相邻建筑物的基础埋深
D. 地基土的冰冻深度