辛弃疾的《清平乐》这首词具有“澹语清新”、诗情画意的特点。 上阕写的是两位农家老夫妻在茅檐下喝酒谈天的情景。 下阕四句,采用白描手法,直书其事,和盘托出三个儿子的不同形象。展现了农村和平宁静、朴素安适的生活。
A. 对
B. 错
Listen to the conversation above again, and choose the correct conversations. You may choose more than ONE correct answer.1. People useful full names when making introductions in ______________.
A. Conversation 1
B. Conversation 2
Conversation 3
2. People use first names when replying to introductions in___________________.
A. Conversation 1
B. Conversation 2
Conversation 3
People use last names when replying to introductions in ______________.
A. Conversation 1
B. Conversation 2
Conversation 3