

A. 起病较缓
B. 三多一少症状明显
C. 多见于成年与老年
D. 血糖波动小而稳定
E. 对胰岛素不敏感



A. 起病较急
B. 多伴肥胖
C. 酮症少见
D. 症状较轻
E. 血浆胰岛素正常

Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form if necessary. Each can be used only once.clarityoustpatheticviciousdeempracticablederailrecedeperishfeeble1. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of _______ competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured.2. Strange to say, what you ___________ highly of may turn out to be meaningless to your future life.3. In general, ___________of thought will result in accuracy of action.4. Here’s a nice selection of some of the wettest and most _________looking kitties undergoing the torture of being bathed.5. It is a matter of time before the illiterate are __________ from the flow of times.6. With more of his effort made at things other than lessons, his hopes for progress in studies __________ faster.7. Although several suggestions exist on how to create a good climate of learning, a ___________approach is still hard to develop.8. While some opted to _________ in dignity, others preferred to survive for sale of soul.9. His __________ excuses are often the fuel of repeated quarrels with his wife.10. It seems clear that his ever-growing passion for romance on campus is bound to _________ his quest for knowledge in college.


A. 传递运动与动力
B. 增加系统功率
C. 润滑和密封
D. 冷却和防锈

在选择液压油时,首先选择的是油液的( )。

A. 类型
B. 粘度
C. 密度
D. 压缩性
