
空洞是指( )

A. 肉芽组织取代坏死组织的过程
B. 深部组织坏死穿出皮肤形成的病理性盲管
C. 皮肤或黏膜组织坏死脱落形成的缺损
D. 空腔脏器与体表之间的病理性管道
E. 内脏器官坏死液化后,经自然管道排出体外所残留的空腔


组织中沉积的钙盐,HE染色时呈( )

A. 无色有折光性颗粒
B. 红色团块状
C. 蓝色颗粒状至片块状
D. 深红色小条、小块状
E. 粉红色丝网状

The manager doesn't permit __ in the corridor.

A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking
D. to have smoked

The construction of this hydropower station involved _______ more than 1,200 local residents.

A. relocate
B. having relocating
C. to have relocate
D. relocating

There is no way to escape _______when you break the traffic regulation.

A. having been fined
B. to have been fined
C. being fined
D. to be fined
