饺子代表团圆吉祥。Dumplings _____ and goodwill.
一家人围坐在一起,享受亲情带来的温暖。The whole family ____ to enjoy quality family time.
春节当天人们都换上新衣服走亲访友,孩子们会收到长辈给的钱保佑平安。On Chun Jie, Lunar New Year’s Day people in new clothes visit each other, and ____ to kids to send good wishes.
逛庙会,演节目,闹花灯,庆祝活动持续半月左右,这就是中国的春节。During Chun Jie holidays all kinds of celebrations are held, including temple fairs, performances, and ____ which ____s nearly half a month.
在维普资讯网进行检索式检索界面检索奥美拉唑的文献,在专业检索界面输入检索式:M=("奥美拉唑"+"安胃哌唑"+"奥咪拉唑"+"甲氧磺唑"+"沃必唑" OR "渥米哌唑" OR "亚枫咪唑" OR "洛赛克'),检索式有()处错误
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7