
Match each section of the passage to its purpose.Paragraphs E-G________

A. to explain the importance of studying blue holes
B. to show why blue hole exploration is challenging
C. to describe the structure of a blue hole
D. to explain what blue holes are and how they are formed


Choose the correct words to complete the summary about blue holes.Blue holes are caves that are1___________________ (underwater / high up in the mountains). They were formed millions of years ago when2___________________ (huge earthquakes happened / the land above them fell in) and water entered the space. Blue holes are located on land or in the sea. Many of them are very deep and the water inside the holes is usually very3___________________ (rough / calm). Although exploring blue holes is dangerous, many scientists still risk their lives to dive into them. They think that blue holes can tell us a lot about4___________________ (ancient life forms / how the oceans were formed).

选出下列哪种结膜炎有假膜形成( )

A. .流行性角结膜炎
B. 急性出血性结膜炎
C. 新生儿包涵体结膜炎
D. 成人包涵体结膜炎
E. 以上全对

沙眼病损最显著的部位是( )

A. 下睑结膜
B. 半月皱襞
C. 上睑结膜和结膜上穹隆部
D. 球结膜
E. 角膜

泡性结膜炎典型体征为球结膜出现( )

A. 灰红色、直径1~3mm、 周围充血、微隆起的实性疱疹
B. 灰红色、直径1~2mm、周围充血、 微隆起的实性疱疹
C. 黄红色、 直径4-5mm、周围充血、微隆起的实性疱疹
D. 灰红色、直径5-6mm、周围充血、微隆起的实性疱疹
E. 黄白色、直径5-6mm、周围充血、微隆起的实性疱疹
