A. 正确
B. 错误
男性,26岁,突然上腹剧痛,不能直腰,于发病30分钟后来诊。查体:BP14.7/10.7kPa(110/80mmHg),P110次/分,板状腹,肠鸣音消失,血Hb12.1g/dl,WBC7×10 9/L,尿淀粉酶128U/L
A. 腹部CT
B. 立位腹平片
C. 腹部B超
D. 腹腔灌洗
E. 生化检查
A. 配比
B. 客观性
C. 权责发生制
D. 历史成本
If a contractual offer can be accepted by post, the acceptance is effective when______.
A. the offeror acts upon it
B. it comes to the offeror's attention
C. it is delivered
D. it is posted