【单选题】The first question you will ask yourself is ____ .
A. what I want to do
B. what I should know
C. what I like
D. what I should have
【单选题】“More ‘heads’ are definitely better than one” means ____ .
A. 人多力量大
B. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮
C. 愚公移山
D. 相信群众
【单选题】 The Web is a treasure of useful information about the____ that interest you.
A. jobs
B. employers
C. locations
D. All of the above.
在电位滴定法测定HAc含量的实验中,根据( )来确定滴定终点。
A. 酚酞变色
B. 甲基橙变色
C. pH=7.0
D. pH突跃
电位滴定法用于氧化还原滴定时,指示电极应选用( )。
A. 玻璃电极
B. 甘汞电极
C. 银-氯化银电极
D. 铂电极