
The airport itself has special considerations for low visibility operations including different lighting for approach, runways, and taxiways as well as the location of ____ equipment.

A. abnormal
B. normal
C. emergency
D. urgency


Localizer and glideslope carrier frequencies are _____ so that only one selection is required to tune both receivers.

A. doubled
B. located
C. paired
D. installed

A pilot of an aircraft in instrument ____ conditions, by the means of radio, GPS or INS navigation with no assistance from air traffic control, can navigate to the airport.

A. meteorological
B. environmental
C. climatic
D. atmospheric


A. 大诰
B. 大明律
C. 大明会典
D. 问刑条例


A. 官吏贪赃受贿
B. 谋毁宗庙山陵
C. 子孙违反教令
D. 监守自盗钱粮
