Whatapproachescanhelpustoanswerthequestionofhowthe environment affects the life genesis and evolution?
A. Evaluate gene-environment interactions
B. Demonstrate how environmental changes alter life's living state, metabolism, and reproduction
C. Assess how environmental factors increase life diversity
D. Simulate how environmental factors affect life cycle and cause diseases
A. expressionofgenomeinformation(195genes);
B. preservationofgenomeinformation(34genes);
C. cellmembranestructureandfunction(84genes);
D. cytosolicmetabolism(81genes).
Biosecurity prevention measures in the field of synthetic biology include:
A. the establishment of decision-making authorities
B. the development of norms and regulations to promote security
C. engaging the public to make them understand the risks of synthetic biology
D. the development of funding policies to promote security
A. soft,fromsoftware
B. hard,fromhardware(robotics)
C. wet,frombiochemistry(i.e.syntheticbiology).
D. alltheabove
Synthetic RNA based parts can serve as sensor, transmitter, and ______________.