The mechanism of mucosal invasion by C. albicans is at least partially understood. Which one of the following modifications in the structure or function of this yeast would be most likely to affect its invasive ability?
A. Loss of ability to produce ethanol from glucose
B. Loss of ability to produce germ tubes or hyphae
C. Reduced ability to grow at 37°C
D. Loss of ability to produce a polysaccharide capsule
E. Replacement of mannans in the cell wall with glucan
A. 尿道前列腺部
B. 尿道膜部
C. 尿道海绵体部
D. 尿道球
E. 输精管
A. 睾丸
B. 阴茎
C. 附睾
D. 输精管
E. 前列腺
A. 输卵管漏斗
B. 输卵管伞
C. 输卵管壶腹
D. 输卵管峡
E. 输卵管子宫部
A. 子宫阔韧带
B. 卵巢悬韧带
C. 卵巢固有韧带
D. 子宫圆韧带
E. 骶子宫韧带