

A. 贷款拨备率
B. 拨备覆盖率
C. 存贷比
D. 流动性覆盖率


北京市公布了《关于进一步推进首都交通科学发展,加大力度缓解交通拥堵工作的意见》: ——进一步完善城市规划,优化调整城市功能布局; ——加快交通基础设施建设,提高道路承载能力; ——加大政府投入,推进中心城干道路网系统建设,全面建成国家高速公路网和市级干道公路网,加大优先发展公共交通力度,实现跨越式发展; ——早晚高峰时段禁止非北京载客汽车进入五环以内; ——将停车收费计时单位由半小时调整为15分钟; ——加强交通秩序管理,进一步加大对占用公交专用车道、逾期未年检、未报废车辆上路行驶等违法行为的处罚力度。 联系材料,运用政治生活的相关知识,分析政府在整治交通拥堵方面有所作为的必要性。


A. 刀库能够自动更换刀具
B. 自动排屑装置
C. 自动交换工作台
D. 主轴准停装置


A. 《陕甘宁边区抗战时期施政纲领》
B. 《中华苏维埃共和国宪法大纲》
C. 《陕甘宁边区宪法原则》
D. 《中华民国宪法草案》

Your company has a branch office that contains a Windows Server 2008 R2 computer. The Windows Server 2008 R2 computer runs Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). The WSUS server is configured to store updates locally. The company opens four new satellite offices. Each satellite office connects to the branch office by using a dedicated WAN link. Internet access is provided through the branch office. You need to design a strategy for patch management that meets the following requirements: èWSUS updates are approved independently for each satellite office. èInternet traffic is minimized. What should you include in your design?()

A. In each satellite office, install a WSUS server. Configure each satellite office WSUS server as an autonomous server.
B. In each satellite office, install a WSUS server. Configure each satellite office WSUS server as a replica of the branch office WSUS server.
C. In each satellite office, install a WSUS server. Configure each satellite office WSUS server to use the branch office WSUS server as an upstream server.
D. For each satellite office, create organizational units (OUs). Create and link the Group Policy objects (GPOs) to the OUs. Configure different schedules to download updates from the branch office WSUS server to the client computers in each satellite office.
