
We can start to use feminist theory to understand literature by asking the following questions about whatever literary work we want to interpret: Do the characters conform to patriarchal gender ____? To choose the simplest example, is the role of the strong, rational protector given to a male character while the role of the submissive, emotional nurturer is given to a female character?


When a literary text portrays characters who conform to patriarchal gender roles or depicts female characters as patriarchal stereotypes, we say that the text illustrates patriarchal ____.

A story or a play might positively portray characters who conform to traditional gender roles and negatively portray characters who violate those roles. Such a literary work would be considered a ____text, which, from a feminist perspective, means that it promotes damaging beliefs about women and men.

A ____is any society in which men hold all or most of the power.

Usually, a ____gives men power by promoting traditional gender roles.
