


Fill in the blank with a word chosen from the below in its proper form.1. The ________ system is a network consisting of blood, blood vessels, and the heart.2. We can work with immediate family members and representatives to close the account of a ________ person where appropriate.3. Now in many countries, you can register your consent to become an organ and tissue _________ online.4. The type of organ ___________ you experience depends on its timing after transplant.5. __________ resuscitation is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including a heart attack or near drowning.6. Many organ _________ coordinators are registered nurses with an extensive surgical background.7. An ________ drug helps control, or suppress, the immune system in order to slow down the symptoms of severe eczema.8. A skin ________ is where healthy skin is removed from an unaffected area of the body and used to cover lost or damaged skin.

Match the Chinese to English.

选择弹簧隔振器时,下列( )正确。

A. 设备的运转频率 与弹簧隔振器垂直方向的固有频率之比,应大于或等于2.5,宜为4~5
B. 弹簧隔振器承受的载荷 ,不应超过允许工作载荷
C. 当共振振 幅较大时,宜与阻尼大的材料联合使用
D. 弹簧隔振器与基础之间宜设置- 定厚度的弹 性隔振垫

选择橡胶隔振器时,应符合( )

A. 应计人环境温度对隔振器压缩变形量的影响
B. 计算压缩变形量,宜按生产厂家提供的极限压缩量的1/4~1/3采用
C. 设备的运转频率与橡胶隔振器垂直方向的固有频率之比应大于或等于2.5,宜为4~5
D. 橡胶隔振器承受的荷载,不应超过允许工作荷载
