

A. 染色体
B. 中心体
C. 高尔基体
D. 核糖体
E. 线粒体



A. αα
B. ββ
C. αβ
D. αγ
E. βγ



Lesson 15 landing gear problem (blank-filling)[音频]CTL: Ibisair 77 cleared to land.Pilot: Cleared to land Ibisair 77.Pilot: Tower, Ibisair 77, wehave 1 that our2 has not fully3 , request 4 and tower fly-by for 5Controller:Ibisair 77, roger cleared6 , maintain 300 feet AGLuntil passing the tower thenclimb to 1500 feet, QNH 1014, make 7 8 .Pilot: Make published missedapproach then on climb 1500Ibisair 77.Controller:Ibisair 77, we can confirm that your landing gear does not appear to have fully extended climb to and maintain 2000feet, turn left heading 170, 9for ILS Runway 16, goahead 10when able.Pilot: Ibisir 77, we are unable to11 the problem and will be conducting a landing with our right 12 13 request 14 in attendance.CTL: Ibisair 77, roger, make 15 left 16 runway 26PIL: visual left circuit runway 26, Ibisair 77.CTL: roger, runway 26, cleared to land, wind calm, emergency services have been 17and are on their way. They will be in position prior to your18 .PIL: cleared to land, Ibsair 77.
