对于 Fear的调查,根据Book of Listing,其中之最是?
A. Deep water
B. Death
C. Public speaking
D. Bugs
According to the example of "Fear of performing poorly", which statement is true?
A. The speaker was in a hurry, so he went into lady's room.
B. The speaker was not nervous.
C. The most practiced public speakers do not battle with nerves.
D. The speaker was very nervous,so he did not know that he went into a wrong room.
A. Fear of the audience.指的是由观众给演讲者带来的心理压力,通常与观众的人数成正比
B. Fear of performing poorly.指的是担心自己的现场表现不好
C. Fear of embarrassment.指的是怕自己的讲稿内容不够好
D. Fear your material is not good enough.指的是担心现场设备不够好,比如麦克风和音响的质量。
Which statements are correct according the 5Ps mentioned in this course.
A. Practice makes perfect.
B. Focus on what you think the audience may be thinking about you.
C. Use your creative visualization to psyche yourself up.
Do a lot of preparation.