
How to put on the life vest?slip it over the head;fasten the buckles;pull the straps tight around the waist

A. 对
B. 错


下列关于混凝土搅拌机使用正确的是( )

A. 是先向搅拌机内投入水、水泥和砂,再启动搅拌机
B. 先启动搅拌机,再投入水、水泥和砂。
C. 先投入水泥、砂,再启动搅拌机,最后加水
D. 以上都对

夏天C25混凝土从搅拌机中卸出后到浇筑完毕的延续时间不大于( )

A. 60
B. 90
C. 120
D. 150

下面说法正确的是( )

A. 运输中的全部时间不应超过混凝土的终凝时间
B. 运输中应保持匀质性,不应产生分层离析现象
C. 运至浇筑地点应具有规定的坍落度
D. 混凝土的运输道路要求平坦
E. 最少的运转次数、最短的时间从搅拌地点运至浇筑地点

How to properly ask passengers to turn off mobile phone for take-off?

A. Could you please switch off your cell phone?
B. Would you please turn off your mobile phone?
C. Smoking is not allowed.
D. Remote-controlled equipment is prohibited.
