

A. In spite of the wedding celebration vary with ways and customs, the participants intend to give the bride and bridegroom best wishes.
B. Though the wedding celebration varies with way and custom, the participants tend to give the bride and bridegroom best wishes.
C. Though the wedding celebration varies with ways and customs, the participants intend to give the bride and bridegroom best wishes.
D. The wedding celebration varies with ways and customs, although the participants intend to give the bride and bridegroom best wishes.



A. In different countries and regions, the celebration of the National Day is always on a large scale.
B. In different country and regions, the celebration of the National Day is always in a large scale.
C. In different countries and region, the celebration of the National Day is always at a large scale.
D. In different countrie and region, the celebration of the National Day being always at a large scale.


A. The majority of the customs in this little village has been kept and developed into a tradition.
B. The majority of the customs in this little village have been kept and developed into a tradition.
C. In this little village majority custom have been kept and developed into a tradition.
D. In this little village the most custom have been kept and developed into a tradition.


A. Dragon Boat Festival has become another public holiday in China.
B. Dragon Boat Festival is becoming another public holiday in China.
C. Dragon Boat Festival had become another public holiday in China.
Dragon Boat Festival became another public holidays in China.


A. In New Year, people like use red Chinese knots and decorate.
B. In New Year, people likes using red Chinese knots and decorate.
C. People like decorate the New Year with red Chinese knots.
D. People like to decorate the New Year with red Chinese knots.
