
What sentence best expresses the main idea of the selection?

A. People’s inhumanity to other humans has been a source of great pain in the author’s life.
B. The author wishes he had his life to live over again.
C. The author sees his life driven by three passions.
D. The author has found life’s struggle to be painful but ultimately rewarding.


Russell compares his life’s passions to

A. great winds.
B. the stars.
C. a bottomless abyss.
D. a boundless ocean.

Which of the following is not a reason that Russell sought love?

A. It relieves loneliness.
B. It leads to marriage.
C. It brings ecstacy.
D. It provides a glimpse of heaven.

When Russell uses the metaphor of a “deep ocean” to describe his anguish, he implies that it is

A. cold.
B. without life.
C. almost bottomless.
D. lacking in color.

Russell implies that loneliness, at its core, is

A. a self-defeating impulse.
B. impossible to avoid.
C. a sign of selfi shness.
D. a fear of death.
